Tuesday, March 21, 2017

International Day of Happiness

Today, March 20, by fiat of the United Nations, is the International Day of Happiness. Let’s share some happiness. First, some kudos to the girls and boys at Turtle Bay for finally taking a break from Israel-bashing and getting something valuable done. 

Next, let’s work on de-nuking North Korea. Then, how about solving that whole ISIS puzzle. Not to minimize happiness but when the UN sets itself up as the arbiter of the world, it has a lot to arbitrate.

Having one less nuclear power in the world, especially that one, and getting rid of a rabble of homicidal maniacs would make a lot of people happy.

International Happiness Day started with that UN declaration in 2012. But in 2014 the happiness movement was kicked to a new level when Zoe Morris and some colleagues erected an orange happiness wall at the University of Pittsburgh. They invited passers-by to write down how they shared happiness. That was the first year of happiness walls constructed as part of the Live Happy initiative. 

Eventually there would be 30 happiness walls including Pittsburgh. 

But back to Zoe. A year after launching the groundbreaking Pittsburgh happiness wall, her mom passed away March 19, 2015. Before she passed, she told Zoe that she wanted her to be at the happiness wall.  

Two days after her mom’s passing, on March 21, 2015, Zoe was back at a happiness wall. Zoe said that her mother lived her life in service to others and to make them happy. And that she was still caring for Zoe the day the she passed. 

Deborah K. Heisz, co-founder, CEO and editorial director of Live Happy says Zoe’s spirt is what International Day of Happiness is all about.

The International Day of Happiness, she says encourages us to set aside the turmoil of daily life and come together at a common touchstone in the form of a big orange wall and share happiness.

Some content from livehappy.com.